Take brief launch ramp survey thru Sept. 13
During the Golden North Salmon Derby, Docks & Harbors initiated a short online survey asking patrons about CBJ launch ramp facilities. The survey will be live through September 13. Docks & Harbors has received nearly 300 responses so far. The comments are helpful as Docks & Harbors tries to meet the future demands of the Juneau waterfront. Take the survey now here (or bit.ly/LaunchRampSurvey).
This particular survey was conducted to coincide with the high numbers of launch ramp users during the derby weekend, though Docks & Harbors actually saw even higher usage at some facilities with the personal use King Crab opening.
The results of the survey will be reviewed by the Docks & Harbors Board at an upcoming strategic retreat to help guide the organization to meet the patrons’ needs, which is part of the Board’s charge.