Ship-Free Saturday FAQ now available online
A selection of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the ship-free Saturday ballot initiative is now available online at juneau.org/tourism.
Juneau residents will vote on an initiative to limit cruise ships on Saturdays and the 4th of July. This FAQ seeks to answer some common questions about CBJ’s tourism efforts and the potential outcomes if the initiative is passed. Topics include:
• Summary of Juneau tourism survey results
• What has CBJ done through negotiated memorandums of agreement?
• What additional negotiated agreements with industry is CBJ working on?
• How much did cruise visitors spend on Saturdays in 2023?
• How would a ship free Saturday in Juneau affect scheduling in the region?
• How has cruise tourism in Juneau grown over the years?
• Will CBJ get sued if the initiative passes?
• What has happened in other jurisdictions that have passed initiatives limiting cruise ships?
This FAQ is intended to provide the public with neutral and factual information about existing CBJ policy and does not seek to advocate for or against any electoral action.
For questions, please contact Alexandra Pierce at (907) 586-5240.