Regular application period for Parks & Recreation commercial use permit open through March 31
The City and Borough of Juneau Parks & Recreation Department is accepting 1-year commercial use permit applications for the 2024 season from now through Sunday, March 31.
Commercial use permits authorize commercial activity on CBJ parklands. There is a non-refundable $250 application fee for the first location and a $100 application fee for every additional location from the same vendor. Learn more about commercial use permits on the Parks & Recreation Commercial Use webpage.
Parks & Recreation will also accept late applications from April 1 through June 30, which will have an associated late fee of $250, totaling $500 for the first application. Additional applications will still cost $100.
As of this year, all applications will be processed through an online form. Vendors applying for more than one location will be able to fill out a shorter version of the form when they apply for the second location onward. For those additional applications, be sure to select “No” for the second question on the landing page.
For more information, contact CBJ Parks & Recreation Deputy Director Lauren Verrelli at 907-586-0423 orĀ [email protected].