Potential exposure to measles from traveler in Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
A measles case was confirmed in a resident of the Southern Kenai Peninsula this week who flew through Sea-Tac. This person is an unvaccinated adult who began experiencing symptoms while traveling home to Alaska from a trip overseas. This person was infectious while flying on Alaska Air flight 228 from Seattle to Anchorage on January 10. According to Seattle King County Public Health, the individual was at the airport between 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. The individual arrived at the S Concourse (Gate S8), went through International Arrivals and Customs Baggage Claim (Carousel 21), and boarded their flight to Alaska from Concourse D (Gate D7). https://kingcounty.gov/
There were multiple flights to Southeast Alaska during that afternoon and early evening during the time this infectious individual may have been at Concourse D. If you were at the Sea-Tac Airport in Concourse D during that timeframe it is possible you may have been exposed. If you are not immune to measles, it is possible you may become infected. The most likely time you would become sick would be between January 17 – January 31.
Measles is a highly infectious viral respiratory disease that spreads via the airborne route and through direct contact with respiratory secretions. Measles typically starts with a fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat, and is followed by a rash that most frequently starts on the face and descends to involve the trunk and limbs. More information about measles can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/
If you believe you have been exposed and develop an illness with fever or develop an unexplained rash, please contact your health care provider.