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Planning Commission meets July 13. Here’s how to weigh in.

The Planning Commission will hold a Committee of the Whole Meeting, Special Meeting, and the regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting on July 13. The Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for 6, followed by the Special Meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. and the Regular Meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. These meetings will all use the same webinar information.

The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be held to hear a presentation from the Parks & Recreation Department regarding the Off Road Vehicle and Montana Creek Recreation Master Planning Update. This item is not open for public hearing at this time. During the Special Meeting, the Planning Commission will review a text amendment to remove the lot depth requirement for all new lots. This item is open for public hearing, and public testimony will be taken. At the Regular Meeting, the Planning Commission will be hearing applications for three variances for trail work, and a variance for stream bank and stream restoration. These items are up for public hearing. The Commission will also decide whether or not to reconsider their June 22 decision regarding a variance for new construction on Anka Street.

These virtual meetings will be by video and telephonic participation only. Join the virtual meetings online https://juneau.zoom.us/j/92097499673 or call 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID 920 9749 9673.  If you’re giving public comment, you’ll be asked to state your name, place of residence, and will be asked to stay on the phone after your testimony to answer any questions from the Commission. For more information about the procedure, contact the Community Development Department at 907-586-0715.

The public is encouraged to submit written comments to [email protected] by 12 noon, July 12, or testify at the meeting. Read the Committee of the Whole Meeting agenda here. Read the Special Planning Commission Meeting agenda here. Read the Regular Planning Commission Meeting agenda here.

Special Planning Commission Case

Proposed text amendment to CBJ Land Use Code Title 49 to remove the lot depth requirement for all new lots regardless of zoning district (AME2021 0007)

CBJ’s proposal to remove the minimum lot depth requirement will allow for greater flexibility and opportunities for infill subdivision without the need for a Variance. Maintaining lot size and lot width requirements provides minimum standard, balancing the need for housing opportunities while providing the same lot size and setbacks as existing developments.

Regular Planning Commission Cases

Notice of reconsideration for a case head on June 22, 2021 (VAR2021 0002)

Notice of reconsideration was given at the June 22, 2021 Planning Commission meeting for VAR2021 0002: A Non-administrative Variance to 49.70.310(a)(2) and 49.70.310(b)(1) to allow new construction within the 50-foot, no-development and 25-foot, no-disturbance buffer from Lemon Creek.

Rule 15 regarding a motion for reconsideration can be found in the Planning Commission’s Rules of Order.

Pedestrian trail relocation and revegetation within 50 feet of an anadromous stream in Switzer Creek (VAR2021 0003)

Proposed improvements to the Switzer Marriott/Richard Marriott Education Trail (Switzer Marriott Trail) continues a two-year project removing boardwalk trails and replacing them with gravel. Sections of trail on or close to the stream bank will be relocated 25-50 feet from the stream bank. Old trail will be blocked with natural woody debris and plants to facilitate revegetation.

Pedestrian trail relocation and revegetation within 50 feet of an anadromous stream in Amalga Meadows (VAR2021 0005)

Proposed improvements to the Amalga Meadows Park include removal and relocation of an elevated boardwalk. The new boardwalk will provide access from the parking area to the existing trail. The trail bed will be of gravel, and elevated sections will be timbers with helical piles for support. The new slough crossing will be narrower. There is one stream crossing.

Pedestrian trail reconstruction and revegetation within 50 feet of an anadromous stream in Duck Creek (VAR2021 0007)

This project is funded through the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities as part of the Mendenhall Loop Road Improvements project. The connecting trail from Mendenhall Loop Road to Duck Creek Loop will be replaced. Asphalt will be removed and replaced with gravel, and undeveloped areas will be revegetated. The bridge is in good condition and will not be replaced. Development of a small wetlands is part of the project, but not part of this Variance request, as it is outside of the 50-foot Duck Creek buffer.

A Non-administrative Variance to 49.70.310(a)(2) and 49.70.310(b)(1) to allow stream bank and stream restoration within the 50-foot, no-development and the 25-foot, no-disturbance buffer from Duck Creek (VAR2021 0004)

The applicant requests a Non-administrative Variance to allow stream bank stabilization, stream channelization, and installation of a culvert within the 50-foot, no-development, and 25-foot, no-disturbance buffer from Duck Creek. This work includes 3 elements: a new culvert will accommodate Duck Creek and provide a location for future access to the property from Mendenhall Loop Road; where the applicant owns both sides of the creek , the applicant proposes to channelize the stream by narrowing the stream to 6-10 feet and creating meanders; and where the applicant owns one side of the stream, the applicant proposes to stabilize the bank using root wads.