Planning Commission meets February 9. Here’s how to weigh in.
The Planning Commission meets February 9 at 7 p.m. to review an application for a text amendment to Title 49. This item is up for public hearing. Join the virtual meeting online or call 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID: 964 9651 8197.
The public is encouraged to submit written comments to [email protected] by 12 noon, February 8, or testify during the meeting. If you’re giving public comment during the meeting, you’ll be asked to state your name and place of residence, and you’ll be asked to stay on after your testimony to answer any questions from the Commission. For more information about the procedure, contact the Community Development Department at 586-0715. Read the Planning Commission Meeting agenda here.
Text amendment to update Title 49 flood management regulations to meet Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements (AME2021 0002)
To participate in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program, CBJ must adopt and enforce specific floodplain management regulations, FEMA’s Flood Insurance Study for the Borough, and FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Map. Federal requirements established that the final pending map, study, and regulations would be effective on September 18, 2020, following CBJ Assembly adoption. On June 23, 2020 the Planning Commission approved a Notice of Recommendation to the CBJ Assembly to adopt the minimum revisions and the Assembly approved these revisions and the final ordinance on August 24, 2020. However, FEMA regulations require additional changes to update the regulations to meet minimum federal requirements. Changes consist of minor clarifications on permitting procedures and additional definitions. These changes provide clarity to both CBJ staff and the public regarding the implementation of mandatory regulations. No new regulations are proposed.