Paving Work on Nancy Street & Tongass Boulevard August 15-21
Paving work will take place at the Nancy Street and Tongass Boulevard intersection between Tuesday, August 15 and Monday, August 21. This work is part of the City and Borough of Juneau’s 2023 Area-Wide Paving Project and will include removal of pavement, grading, and new asphalt pavement.
Construction crews will be at work between approximately 7 a.m and 5 p.m. daily. During this time, traffic may be detoured onto Gail Avenue. Access to Sasha Avenue will be maintained; however, please allow for traffic flaggers and minor delays.
See the attached map of the project area for details.
Please stay alert to crews and equipment, follow all traffic signs and guidance, and drive slowly and safety in the project area. We appreciate your patience and cooperation while this important work is underway.
For questions, please contact John Hollatz of Wilson Engineering at (907) 321-7760 or [email protected], Buck Svinicki of SECON at (907) 780-5145 or [email protected], or CBJ Project Manager John Nelson at (907) 957-2187 or [email protected].