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Ordinances Coming up for Public Hearing February 8, 2021

January 26, 2021 – News, Notices for Public Comment

The following items are scheduled for a public hearing by the City and Borough of Juneau Alaska Assembly, on the date(s) designated below.  The agenda and packet material for this meeting will be posted on the CBJ website at https://juneau.org/assembly/assembly-minutes-and-agendas by close of business the business day prior to the meetings.  Members of the public wishing to provide public comment during the meeting are asked to call the Municipal Clerk’s public testimony request phone line at 586-0215 by 3p.m. the day of the meeting or send an email to [email protected]  and provide their full name, email address, the phone number they will be calling from, and the agenda topic(s) on which they wish to testify. Testimony time will be limited by the Mayor based on the number of participants. Members of the public are encouraged to send their comments in advance of the meeting to [email protected]. For up to the minute meeting calendar/details with links to the Zoom webinars, check our online CBJ Meeting Calendar at https://juneau.org/calendar.

Monday, February 8, 2021
Regular Assembly Meeting 7:00p.m.
Telephonic, Zoom Webinar Link https://juneau.zoom.us/j/98412004515 or Call 1-669-900-6833 or 1- 253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID: 984 1200 4515#

Ordinance 2021-01 An Ordinance Providing for a Property Tax Abatement Program to Incentivize the Development of Housing in Downtown Juneau.

Ordinance 2020-09(AH) An Ordinance Appropriating $75,000 to the Manager for Consulting Services to Explore the Joint Facility and Expansion Concept at Centennial Hall; Funding Provided by the General Fund’s Fund Balance.

Ordinance 2020-09(AI) An Ordinance Appropriating $75,000 to the Manager for a Homeless Youth Navigator Position; Grant Funding Provided by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

Ordinance 2020-09(AJ) An Ordinance Appropriating $325,000 to the Manager to Operate a Youth Shelter and Rapid Rehousing Facility; Grant Funding Provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Juneau Community Foundation, and Friends of Zach Gordon Youth Center.

Ordinance 2020-09(AK) An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2019-06(AI) Related to the Appropriation Fund Source for COVID-19 Testing Equipment.

Ordinance 2020-09(AL) An Ordinance Appropriating $700,000 to the Manager as Supplemental Funding for the COVID-19 Emergency Individual Assistance Grant Program; Funding Provided by the CARES Act Special Revenue Fund.

ADA accommodations available upon request: Please contact the Clerk’s office 36 hours prior to any meeting so arrangements can be made for closed captioning or sign language interpreter services depending on the meeting format. The Clerk’s office telephone number is 586-5278, TDD 586-5351, e-mail: [email protected]