Here’s what’s scheduled for public hearing at April 25 & May 14 Assembly meetings

April 24, 2018 – Notices for Public Comment

The following items are scheduled for a public hearing by the City and Borough of Juneau Alaska Assembly, on the dates designated below.  This hearing will be held in the Assembly Chambers of the Municipal Building.  Copies of the items listed below may be obtained at the City and Borough of Juneau Clerk’s Office, Room 202 of the Municipal Building or at the CBJ website at:

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 2018, 5:30 p.m. SPECIAL ASSEMBLY MEETING, Assembly Chambers

Ordinance 2018-10 An Ordinance Establishing the Rate of Levy for Property Taxes for Calendar Year 2018 Based Upon the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2019.

Ordinance 2018-11 An Ordinance Appropriating Funds from the Treasury for FY19 City and Borough Operations.

Ordinance 2018-12 An Ordinance Appropriating Funds from the Treasury for FY19 School District Operations.


Summary of City and Borough of Juneau’s
Proposed FY19 Operating Budget

(Including the Juneau Douglas School District)

Ord 2018-11 & 2018-12

Estimated Revenues
State Sources  $       65,231,400
Federal Sources             7,733,700
Local Sources         265,321,400
Fund Balance Usage           (4,980,500)
Total Estimated Revenues and Fund Balance Usage  $     333,306,000
Estimated Expenditures
General Government  $       66,757,200
General Government – School District           91,535,200
Enterprise Funds         130,206,900
Internal & Debt Service           19,615,300
Capital Projects           25,070,000
Special Assessments                121,400
Total Estimated Expenditures  $     333,306,000

 Resolution 2819 A Resolution Adopting the City and Borough Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2019 through 2024, and Establishing the Capital Improvement Project Priorities for Fiscal Year 2019. (This notice is provided in accordance with CBJ Charter Section 9.6. Hearing on budget and capital improvements program.)

Preliminary Capital Improvements Program – Fiscal Years 2019 – 2024 Plan
Summary of City and Borough of Juneau Proposed FY19 Capital Projects
Summarized by Committee/Department Recommendations
Total FY19 Proposed Budget

Administration $4,990,000
Eaglecrest Ski Area $275,000
Engineering $1,775,000
RecycleWorks $400,000
Lands $100,000
Parks & Recreation $2,185,000
Capital Transit $500,000
Streets $7,250,000
Wastewater Utility $5,845,000
Water Utility $1,600,000
School District $800,000
Hospital $1,800,000
Total CIP’s $27,520,000


Monday, May 14, 2018, 7 p.m., Regular Assembly Meeting, Assembly Chambers

Ordinance 2018-23 An Ordinance Authorizing the Manager to Execute a Lease of the Eagle Valley Center Ropes Challenge Course, Located near Amalga Harbor, to Southeast Alaska Independent Living, Inc.

Ordinance 2018-26 An Ordinance Amending the Property Maintenance Code to Reference the International Property Maintenance Code 2012 Edition.

Ordinance 2018-27 An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Foreclosed Property Located at 333 W. Ninth Street by Sealed Competitive Bid.

Ordinance 2017-06(AN) An Ordinance Appropriating to the Manager the Sum of $50,000 as Funding for Juneau Community Foundation’s Park Program; Funding Provided by the Sales Tax Fund’s Fund Balance.

Ordinance 2017-06(AQ) An Ordinance Appropriating to the Manager the Sum of $20,000 as Funding for Capital City Fire Rescue; Grant Funding Provided by the State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation.

Ordinance 2017-06(AR) An Ordinance Appropriating to the Manager the Sum of $100,000 as Funding for Juneau Community Foundation; Funding Provided by the Sales Tax Fund’s Fund Balance.