Mandatory Disclosure FAQ Now Available Online
A selection of Frequently Asked Questions regarding CBJ Ordinance 2020-47(am), mandating disclosure of property sales prices, is now available online at juneau.org/finance/assessor-faqs.
Ordinance 2020-47(am) was adopted by the CBJ Assembly in October 2020 and requires that property buyers in the City and Borough of Juneau disclose certain information, including the sales price of the property, to the CBJ Assessor’s office. This FAQ seeks to answer some common questions about what the ordinance does and how information disclosed under the ordinance is used. Topics include:
- What information are property buyers in the City and Borough of Juneau required to disclose today?
- What information were buyers required to disclose prior to Ordinance 2020-47(am)?
- How does the CBJ Assessor use this information to set property assessments?
- Does the Assessor have access to this information through other means?
- Are property sales prices private/confidential to the buyer and seller?
- What will happen to property assessments if this ordinance is repealed?
- Does having less market sales information affect all property values in the same way?
- What will happen to property taxes if this ordinance is repealed?
- Are purchase prices required to be disclosed in other jurisdictions?
- Is Alaska a non-disclosure state?
- Where can I find records of the CBJ Assembly consideration of real estate price disclosure?
- Where can I find additional neutral, factual information about real estate price disclosure?
This FAQ is intended to provide the public with neutral and factual information about an existing CBJ law and does not seek to advocate for or against any electoral action.