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Juneau sees rise in COVID-19 case activity; indoor masking recommended

May 11, 2022 – News

The State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services reports 177 new positive cases in Juneau over the past week, or approximately 25 cases per day. This represents a 48% weekly increase and is the highest case count Juneau has seen since the end of the Omicron wave in early February. While some case activity is attributable to tourism (20 cases) the majority of the spread is occurring within the community. In addition to an increase in case activity, Bartlett Regional Hospital has seen a small increase in patients being treated for COVID-19 as well as an increase in patients reporting to the Emergency Department with COVID-like symptoms over the past week. This and other COVID-19 related data are available through the DHSS Dashboards.

While case activity is elevated the City and Borough of Juneau recommends masking in indoor public spaces, particularly in situations where close contact situations are unavoidable. Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of an individual for 15 minutes or longer in a 24 hour period. Masking reduces the transmission of respiratory viruses such as SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Those who are experiencing COVID like symptoms (fever or chills, runny nose, shortness of breath, fatigue, new loss of taste or smell, and others) should test for COVID-19 and remain at home until symptoms improve. Please keep in mind that with over-the-counter antigen tests you have a higher chance of testing negative early in your infection. If your symptoms persist, you should seek a molecular test or repeat the antigen test and continue to isolate. Testing options include:

  • Call the BRH Testing Hotline at 586-6000 or register for a test online (insurance billed, no cost to patient)
  • Visit Capstone Clinic at the Mendenhall Mall M-F, 10 am – 6 pm (insurance billed, no cost to patient)
  • Call SEARHC at 364-4451 (no patient cost for symptomatic/close contact testing)
  • Call Juneau Urgent Care at 790-4111 or register for a test online (cost dependent on insurance)

If you want to get vaccinated or if you’re due for a vaccine booster, please visit https://juneau.org/vaccine for information on current vaccine availability in Juneau or contact your medical provider. If you are not up to date on your vaccinations and are exposed to COVID-19, you should quarantine or isolate per CDC guidance.

For more information, contact the City Manager’s Office at 586-5240.