Juneau Police Response to COVID-19 Outbreak
In response to the nationwide Covid19 outbreak, the Juneau Police Department will be making some adjustments to the way they serve the community as to limit exposure to their staff, while maintaining the highest possible level of service. The belief is that good practices adopted early by local government and the public will ensure less strain on our public health institutions and first responders.
These adjustments are intended to limit unnecessary risk to staff, as well as the public JPD serves. During this time, you will see no difference in JPD’s professionalism or the high standards of the organization.
Continue to call 911 if you are having a serious life-threatening emergency, or are reporting a serious in-progress crime. CBJ first responders will continue to respond to emergencies.
Calls for police services that do not require a police officer to physically respond will be handled online or over the telephone.
Additionally, JPD officers will continue to provide proactive patrols throughout the community, to be visible and help deter crime.
Until further notice, the JPD lobby will be closed to the public. JPD records and evidence staff are still working regular hours and can be reached by phone, or email. Many services such as records releases are available online through Juneaupolice.com. Appointments will be required for non-emergent service at the police department including property and vehicle releases. Please call ahead to make arrangements to pick up items or paperwork through an appointment by calling the main business line at (907) 586-0600 during regular business hours.
Earlier this year, JPD expanded online reporting criteria and this should be the primary method for reporting crimes or other incidents that are not in progress. If someone does not have access to a computer or device with internet access, they may call the main JPD business line at (907) 586-0600 to make a report to dispatch. Anyone coming to JPD to make a report will need to use the phone outside the lobby, or use their personal cell phone, by dialing (907) 586-0600. The public will not be granted access into the lobby without an appointment.
The purpose to these steps is to increase social distance, while maintaining a high level of service. JPD is working to limit unnecessary contact between staff and the public so as to help ensure that officers and staff are available when needed.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.