June 22 Assembly Committee of the Whole preview
June 22, 2020 – News
The Juneau Assembly meets in a Committee of the Whole work session tonight at 6 pm. These are the agenda topics (click on the link to see more info for reach item):
- JPD – Community Policing & Use of Force (The City Manager’s memo includes the list of Ten Demands distributed at the local Black Lives Matter protest on June 6 as well as the #8CANTWAIT list. The Juneau Police Department’s presentation will include discussion on both.)
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Plan 2020-2022
- Unsheltered Population Update
- Rental Assistance Update
- Election Code Changes
- July 3 Fireworks Display – Discussion only
Here is the full agenda packet https://bit.ly/2YpgdEw
Join the Zoom https://juneau.zoom.us/j/94024547137, call 1-346-248-7799 and enter Webinar ID 940 2454 7137, or watch on Facebook Live.