Join CBJ for City Hall Open House and building tours on Wednesday, September 13
The City and Borough of Juneau invites the public to ask questions and learn more about the options for the future of Juneau’s City Hall during an Open House and Q&A session on Wednesday, September 13 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Start in the Assembly Chambers to speak with staff and ask questions, then join a tour of the current City Hall—including CBJ’s rented office spaces nearby—to find out more about the condition of the building and the estimated $14 million in repairs needed.
Current City Manager Rorie Watt and Engineering & Public Works Director/incoming City Manager Katie Koester will lead a brief presentation and Q&A session at 5:15 p.m. The discussion will cover a variety of topics including a cost-benefit analysis of the current and proposed city hall scenarios, what other sites were considered, what has changed since the last election, and how consolidation and relocation to a purpose-built and energy-efficient facility would save money and improve services for residents without increasing property taxes.
Koester and Watt will be available to answer questions one-on-one before and after the presentation. Building tours will be offered throughout the evening.
Finally, stop by 450 Whittier Street to see the proposed new city hall site and find out more about the site selection process and what would be included in a new building.
For more information, visit the New City Hall webpage.