Hear scientific experts explain jökulhlaups at tonight’s Assembly Committee of the Whole meeting
The City and Borough of Juneau Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for today, Monday, August 28 at 6 p.m. will include a “Science of a Jökulhlaup” presentation by scientists and engineers from the US Geological Survey, National Weather Service, University of Alaska Southeast, and CBJ.
Interested members of the public are welcome to join in person in the Assembly Chambers or remotely via Zoom: via the link juneau.zoom.us/j/95424544691 or dial 1-253-215-8782 with ID 954 2454 4691.
Please be aware that this is an Assembly committee meeting, meaning that there is no public testimony or question-and-answer session. However, Juneau residents interested in knowing more about how jökulhlaups happen and how they may affect us locally are encouraged to join the presentation.
A public event that will give the community a chance to speak to scientific experts and get questions answered is currently in the planning stages—please stay tuned for more information soon.