February 27 JSD budget update: Board of Education Meeting today
The Juneau School District has launched a special newsletter to keep the community informed of ongoing efforts to address the shortfall in the current FY24 budget and develop a new budget for FY25. The latest update is included below, addressing the school reconfiguration plan adopted at the February 22 special meeting of the Board of Education.
To receive these updates as soon as they are available, download the free Juneau Borough Schools App from the App Store or Google Play and follow “District”. You can also visit the Juneau School District website and click on the 2024 Budget Information tile to read the newsletter as a PDF.
February 27 JSD Budget Update
Budget process continues after reorganization plan adopted by Board of Education
Now that a district reorganization plan has been adopted by the Board of Education, the FY25 budget process can be completed.
There is a special meeting on Tuesday to continue this budget work. This is an informational meeting about the current year (FY24) and next school year (FY25) budgets. Discussion will include topics such as enrollment projections and the PTR formula for school staffing.
There are no action items on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting, so there will be no votes taken.
In addition, as this is a special meeting, there is no opportunity for public testimony on non-action items.
The meeting is available on Zoom to the first 500 participants.
Board of Education Special Meeting – FY24 and FY24 Budget Discussion
Tuesday, February 27, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Juneau-Douglas High School Library
Zoom: https://juneauschools-org.zoom.us/j/83428958356?pwd=Vmo3TStVRlRtWnlxakZ5OUJTN2ZHdz09
Next steps
• Present a FY24 winter budget revision
The Board of Education must take action to revise the current budget, and that budget must balance. The CBJ Assembly will consider three ordinances that could help balance the budget.
The CBJ Assembly is working to consider these three ordinances by March 4 in order for the District to make its budget deadline for FY2025.
The three ordinances are on the agendas for the Regular Assembly Meeting on Monday, March 4 at 7 p.m. (meeting information at juneau.org/calendar).
• Develop a balanced budget for FY25
A balanced budget for next year must be submitted to the CBJ Assembly by April 4, 2024.