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Downtown Juneau Alternative Development Overlay District public hearing postponed to July 27

The Planning Commission was scheduled to hear the latest information on the Downtown Juneau Alternative Development Overlay District (ADOD) modifications during a public hearing at its July 13 Regular Meeting. The public hearing has been postponed to July 27. The agenda for the July 13 meeting was packed with time-sensitive development permits that take precedence.

Due to the complexity of ADOD, CBJ staff want to ensure the issue is given appropriate time and attention, and the public has ample opportunity to voice their input. The agenda for July 27 has room to provide the public and Commissioners with the opportunity for a thorough discussion and studied consideration.

Staff materials will be available on the website the week of July 19. In the meantime, you can review materials from the last meeting here.

This will be a virtual-only meeting. To join, go to https://juneau.zoom.us/j/96970037739 or call 1-253-215-8782 or 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 and enter Webinar ID 969 7003 7739.

For more information, contact the Community Development Department at 586-0715.