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CBJ reports four new COVID-19 cases in Juneau

January 26, 2021 – News

The City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center is reporting four new residents identified with COVID-19 in Juneau. Public Health is attributing one case to community spread, one to out-of-state travel, and two are under investigation.

Cumulatively, Juneau has had 1,048 residents test positive for COVID-19 since March and 135 nonresidents. There are 30 active cases in Juneau and 1,148 individuals have recovered. All individuals with active cases of COVID-19 are in isolation.

Statewide, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) today reports 89 new people identified with COVID-19 – 86 are residents and three are nonresidents. The state also reports a recent death – a male Northwest Arctic Borough resident in his 60s – bringing the total number of resident deaths to 258. Alaska has had 51,778 cumulative resident cases of COVID-19 and a total of 1,709 nonresidents.

Vaccine information

According to DHSS, 4,749 people in the Juneau region have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine – either Pfizer or Moderna – and 1,150 have completed both doses. Statewide, 82,468 people have received their first dose and 19,117 have completed both doses.

For more details on COVID-19 in Juneau, watch today’s COVID-19 Community Update at 4 p.m. Join on Zoom https://juneau.zoom.us/j/98563085159, or call 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 with webinar ID 985 6308 5159.