CBJ not opening facilities Friday, encourages businesses to proceed cautiously
Update: Please note, the 1 pm Special Assembly Meeting on Monday, May 11 with Dr. Zink has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts. She will be joining the 5:3 pm Special Assembly Meeting sometime after 6 pm.
Phase II of the State of Alaska’s reopening plan includes swimming pools reopening to 50 percent capacity, as well as museums and libraries reopening to 25 percent capacity, according to a state overview. Before these and other City and Borough of Juneau facilities can reopen, the Assembly will hear more information and continue discussion on how to responsibly move forward during a Special Assembly meeting Monday. As of 2 p.m. today, the state has not yet posted required protocols.
The City and Borough of Juneau does not intend to open public facilities, like pools and libraries, until the Assembly has had time to understand the Governor’s approach and his rationale for implementing it. CBJ encourages all business owners to proceed slowly and judiciously so that Juneau’s economic reopening can be successful and done properly.
The Assembly will have a Special Meeting on Monday, May 11 at 5:30 pm. Sometime after 6 pm, Alaska Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink will give a COVID-19 presentation. To listen or watch the meeting, join the webinar https://juneau.zoom.us/j/93209984944, call 1-346-248-7799 and enter webinar ID 932 0998 4944, or watch on Facebook Live.
With the state’s gradual lifting of restrictions, the state emphasized a greater need for individuals to adhere to general preventive guidelines. It’s up to the general public to ensure there isn’t a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases:
- Continue social distancing 6-10 feet away from non-household members.
- Cloth face coverings are strongly encouraged.
- Wash your hands frequently and regularly sanitize frequently-touched surfaces.
- Utilize telephone and online ordering for contact-less pickup and delivery.
These preventive measures are working, and are why Alaska and Juneau have low numbers of COVID-19 cases. It’s important to keep doing all the things that have helped flatten the curve. If you’re 65 or older, or someone with an underlying medical condition, continue to stay home as much as possible.
Other aspects of the state’s Phase II plan, which goes into effect May 8, includes the reopening of most non-essential businesses, fitness centers, bars; increasing capacity for businesses that opened in Phase 1; and social and religious gatherings increasing to 50 people. An updated state health mandate and attachments detailing Phase 2 is expected to be released sometime today.