CBJ & Litter Free Beach Cleanup on August 13
August 11, 2023 – News
The City & Borough of Juneau and Litter Free, Inc. are organizing a community beach cleanup to remove debris from area beaches impacted by last weekend’s jökulhlaup. The cleanup will begin at 2 p.m. on Sunday, August 13 during the falling tide.
CBJ Parks & Recreation staff will distribute yellow Litter Free bags at the following locations on Sunday from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.:
- Auke Lake Wayside & Boat Launch
- False Outer Point Wayside
Filled bags from the beach cleanup can be left along the following public rights-of-way to be picked up by CBJ crews:
- N. Douglas Highway
- Mendenhall Peninsula Rd.
- Fritz Cove Rd.
Large items should be reported to [email protected] for later removal. Please include photos and location information.
For more information, please email [email protected].