Docks & Harbors awarded for waste reduction, pollution prevention & clean boating
The City and Borough of Juneau Docks & Harbors Department was recently awarded an Alaska Clean Harbor certification. Juneau is the fifth harbor in the state to earn the distinction, joining Homer, Seward, Haines, and Sitka. Alaska Clean Harbors is a voluntary, non-regulatory program that works directly with harbormasters to help them commit to, and implement, a series of 88 best management practices that prevent pollution, reduce waste, reduce costs and promote clean boating.
Harbors that implement more than 80 percent of the best management practices can apply for certification as an Alaska Clean Harbor. The Alaska Clean Harbors Advisory Committee reviews applications and awards certifications. The advisory committee includes representatives from Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Marine Exchange of Alaska, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Restoration Center, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and the Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators.
“CBJ Docks & Harbors has made a concerted effort to address areas of the harbors that have been neglected over the years. From the implementation of the gillnet recycling program to the removal of abandoned vehicles and vessels to an emphasis on water quality management, Deputy Harbormaster Matthew Creswell made these and scores of other incremental changes to improve the boating experience for our patrons and our facilities,” Port Director Carl Uchytil said.
Harbors are visited every three years for recertification. More information about Alaska Clean Harbors can be found at www.alaskacleanharbors.org.
For more information, contact Port Director Carl Uchytil at 586-0294 or [email protected].