Assembly to hear regular public updates on COVID-19
The City and Borough of Juneau Assembly will be getting regular updates on the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) at the start of all meetings of the whole Assembly, specifically Regular and Special Assembly Meetings, Committee of the Whole Meetings, and Assembly Finance Committee Meetings. At this time, the Assembly will make those updates available to the public through Facebook Live on the City and Borough of Juneau’s Facebook page (@cbjuneau). The Assembly meets in Finance Committee tonight at 5:30 p.m. Members of the public who do not use Facebook can access these updates through the Facebook feed on CBJ’s website.
In an effort to follow current social distancing recommendations, the amount of audience seats in Assembly Chambers will be decreased with more space between them. Any overflow in the chambers will be directed to participate from City Hall Conference Room 224.
CBJ is monitoring COVID-19 developments and efforts, and is diligently working on local emergency planning and preparedness. CBJ remains focused on doing city business and delivering public services. As things change, CBJ will update the public as soon as possible.
For more information, contact the City Manager’s Office at 586-5240.