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45 new COVID-19 cases reported for Juneau

August 25, 2021 – News

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services reports 45 new individuals in the Juneau community – 33 residents and 12 nonresidents – identified with COVID-19 for August 25. Five of the nonresidents are in the tourism sector; the rest are under investigation. There are currently three people with COVID-19 hospitalized at Bartlett Regional Hospital.

The Juneau School District reports four individuals who’ve tested positive for COVID-19 and were infectious while in school – two at Riverbend Elementary, one at Sítʼ Eetí Shaanáx̱ Glacier Valley, and one at Mendenhall River Community School. COVID-19 cases related to schools are posted on the district website as they are reported (click on the green “COVID-19 Cases” block). These cases resulted in three classrooms being quarantined, one at each school. Including the two already quarantined classrooms, Riverbend has a total of three classes closed for in-person learning. Find more district related COVID-19 information at juneauschools.org.

Statewide, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services reports 620 new people identified with COVID-19 – 573 are residents and 47 are nonresidents. The state is also reporting 11 deaths – eight residents and three nonresidents – bringing the total number of resident deaths to 427 and total number of nonresident deaths to 11. Alaska has had 81,671 cumulative resident cases of COVID-19 and a total of 3,820 nonresidents.