CBJ Coastal Management Program: Public Hearing Draft | 1984-06-01 | Planning Commission |
Juneau Comprehensive Plan: Coastal Management Program, CBJ Conceptually Approved Draft | 1985-09-01 | Planning Commission |
Juneau Comprehensive Plan: Coastal Management Program, June, 1985 | 1985-06-01 | Planning Commission |
Exhibit A, Chapter 70, Part IX: Coastal Management | 1986-01-01 | Planning Commission |
CBJ Conceptually Approved Downtown Waterfront Plan | 1985-11-01 | Planning Commission |
Final Report: Juneau Coastal Management Program: Phase II - Hearing Draft | 1979-03-01 | Planning Commission |
Final Report: Juneau Coastal Management Program: Phase II - Draft | 1978-12-01 | Planning Commission |
Juneau Outer Continental Shelf Oil Impact Examination: Phase 1 | 1977-04-01 | Planning Commission |
Planning Commission Notice of Decision: Large Mine Permit | 1993-05-14 | Planning Commission |
Totem Creek Golf Course | 2000-01-01 | Planning Commission |
Map of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska: Capital of Alaska | 1976-07-01 | Planning Commission |
Ordinance No. 11-2: Zoning Ordinance: City of Douglas, Alaska | 1962-01-01 | Planning Commission |
Dimond Community Complex Revised Master Plan | 1999-06-01 | Planning Commission |
Gold Creek Development Project Permit Application Data | 1984-10-15 | Planning Commission |
Gold Creek Development Project Permit Application Data | 1984-10-15 | Planning Commission |
State and Federal Employment in Juneau, Seventh Annual Report | 1980-12-01 | Planning Commission |
Juneau Coastal Management Program Phase I | 1977-10-01 | Planning Commission |
The Comprehensive Plan and Coastal Management Program for the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska | 1983-12-01 | Planning Commission |
The Comprehensive Plan Volume One: Findings, Policies, and Implementation | 1983-12-01 | Planning Commission |
Second Gastineau Channel Crossing Feasibility Study: Resident Survey Analysis | 1983-10-01 | Planning Commission |
Juneau Pioneer Home Site Selection Study | 1984-03-01 | Planning Commission |
Juneau Economic Study Volume 1: Summary | 1984-05-01 | Planning Commission |
Juneau Economic Quarterly: Inaugural Issue Volume One, Number One | 1984-01-01 | Planning Commission |
Juneau Economic Quarterly: Vol. 1, No. 2 | 1984-04-01 | Planning Commission |
Comprehensive Plan of the City and Borough of Juneau: July 2008 Draft for Planning Commission | 2008-07-01 | Planning Commission |