Document Archive

 Title Date Department
Transit Development Plan Final Report2014-02-01Public Works
Transit Development Plan - Comprehensive Operations Analysis 20142013-08-01Public Works
Lead and Copper Rule Corrosion Control Study CBJ Areawide Water System1994-01-01Public Works
CBJ Bayview Subdivision: Technical Memorandum Wastewater Discharge Evaluation2004-03-08Public Works
Rate Study Results2003-08-18Public Works
CBJ Water Utility and Wastewater Utility Rate Study2003-10-01Public Works
CBJ Watershed Control & Wellhead Protection Program - Gold Creek Source1994-11-01Public Works
Draft Solid Waste Management Strategy for CBJ2007-08-27Public Works
Biosolids Treatment and Disposal Evaluation - Phase II2014-09-01Public Works
Space Needs Assessment: Public Library Facilities and Services for the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska2001-07-01Public Libraries
Regional Library Site Selection Report1985-03-01Public Libraries
The Southeast Alaska Library Literacy Connection: Libraries Serving Adult New Readers1988-04-01Public Libraries
Programming Library Buildings to Serve the People of Juneau, Mendenhall Valley and Douglas1982-04-01Public Libraries
Profile of the State of Alaska: Including Selected Social and Demograhpic Statistics1992-01-01Public Libraries
PUBLIC NOTICE: FY22 JPD Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Spending Plan2022-10-03Police Department (JPD)
Resolution 30022022-10-24Police Department (JPD)
Business Responsible Information Form - MS Word2024-01-26Police Department (JPD)
PUBLIC NOTICE: FY23 JPD Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Spending Plan2023-10-10Police Department (JPD)
FY24 JPD Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Spending Plan2024-12-16Police Department (JPD)
Fee SchedulePolice Department (JPD)
Request for Statistical InformationPolice Department (JPD)
Request Letter of Local Person ContactsPolice Department (JPD)
Parade Permit ApplicationPolice Department (JPD)
Street Closure ApplicationPolice Department (JPD)
Mailing List for Proposed Street Closure FormPolice Department (JPD)
 Title Date Department