Document Archive

 Title Date Department
Totem Creek Golf Course2000-01-01Planning Commission
Tourism and Entertainment as a Local Economic Development Strategy2000-04-01Non-CBJ Organization
Tourism Funding Programs2001-05-01Non-CBJ Organization
Tourism Goals and Action Steps Public Hearing Draft2017-04-11Assembly
Tourism Management Plan, RFP No. 01-2022001-03-01Administration
Tourism Operators List (2016 Season)2016-05-04City Manager
Tourism Operators List (2017 Season)2017-07-11City Manager
Trace Metal Body Burdens in Fur Bearing Mammals and Fish in Sheep Creek Valley1991-09-01Non-CBJ Organization
Trade Shows, Exhibitions & Conventions (Centennial Hall)Fire & Rescue (CCFR)
Trade-Off Study Concentrate Treatment Alternatives1990-11-01Non-CBJ Organization
Traffic Code of Juneau: Ordinance No. 3371950-04-17Assembly
Trail Quality Evaluation for Selected Juneau Area Trails1989-10-01Non-CBJ Organization
Trails Subcommittee Report (2-2-04)Parks & Recreation
Trails Subcommittee Report 3-1-04 DRAFTParks & Recreation
Transcript of Proceedings of a Hearing Regarding the A-J Mine Draft Environmental Impact Statement1991-03-12Non-CBJ Organization
Transit Development Plan - Comprehensive Operations Analysis 20142013-08-01Public Works
Transit Development Plan and Downtown Circulator Shuttle Feasibility Study2008-05-30Community Development
Transit Development Plan Final Report2014-02-01Public Works
Transit Development Plan: Choices and Opportunities2002-08-12Assembly
Treadwell Ice Arena Task Force Report2014-12-12Assembly
Treadwell Mining Complex: Historic Resources and Site Survey Report (9MB PDF)Community Development
Treadwell Mining Lease1985-07-01Administration
TrenchingEngineering & Public Works
Tulsequah Chief Mine Project Reconvened EA Process: December 20, 20012001-12-20Non-CBJ Organization
Tulsequah Chief Mine Project Reconvened EA Process: January 24, 20022002-01-24Non-CBJ Organization
 Title Date Department