Gastineau Channel Historical Society Newsletter: Vol. 9 | 1989-09-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Alaska Recreational Trails Plan | 2000-10-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Adair-Kennedy Park Master Plan | 1980-11-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Juneau Area Recreation Plan | 1982-06-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Juneau Area Outdoor Recreation Guide | 1985-01-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
A Skating RInk for Juneau | 1988-03-21 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Juneau Ice Rink Conceptual Budget Analysis | 1991-07-26 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Augustus Brown Swimming Pool Program Analysis and Recommendations | 1988-04-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Community Profile of Juneau, AK: Including Selected Social and Demographic Statistics | 1992-01-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Southeast Alaska Transportation Plan | 2009-01-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Dedication Ceremony: Brotherhood Bridge at the Mendenhall River | 1965-10-18 | Non-CBJ Organization |
The Juneau Indian Village: Alternatives for an Improvement Program | 1970-03-09 | Non-CBJ Organization |
2008 Tourist Best Management Practices | 2008-01-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Juneaus Model Cities Program: Objectives and Strategies | 1969-12-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Model Cities Program: Mid-Term Planning Statement | 1970-01-16 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Juneaus Model Cities Program: Draft of Problem Analysis | 1969-10-24 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Juneaus Model Cities Program: Description of Planning Process | 1969-09-26 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Planning Grant Application for a Comprehensive City Demonstration Program: Revisions, May 15, 1969 | 1969-05-15 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Planning Grant Application: Demonstration Cities Program | 1968-04-15 | Non-CBJ Organization |
A Capital City Model: Juneau Alaska Model Cities Program, City Demonstration Plan | 1970-05-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Model Cities Program 1971: 2nd Year City Demonstration Plan | 1971-01-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Juneau Model Cities Transit Study | 1971-07-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
CBJ Education Task Force Minutes 1972 | 1972-01-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Report of a Planning Project for Juneau, Alaska | 1959-09-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
The Alaska Aquarium: Final Concept Report | 1984-05-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |