Updates to Responses to Water Quality Questiosn - December 26, 1989, BLM Letter | 1990-07-06 | Non-CBJ Organization |
An Investigation of Tailing Characteristics and Water Quality of AJ Project Tailings | 1990-10-11 | Non-CBJ Organization |
A Proposal for the Hydrogeologic Study of the Water Resoruces of Gold Creek Basin, Juneau, Alaska | 1990-05-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Partial Summary of Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Reopening of the A-J Mine | 1991-04-30 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Re: Gastineau Channel Current Meter Moorings: Raw Data Report (Re-Issue) by Steven Hill | 1991-11-13 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Transcript of Proceedings of a Hearing Regarding the A-J Mine Draft Environmental Impact Statement | 1991-03-12 | Non-CBJ Organization |
AJ Mine Project: Sheep Creek Tailings Treatment Facility; Thane Surface Facility; Bradley Adit, Ramp and Underground Millsite | 1993-01-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: Phase 1. Resource Characterization, Data Collection and Modeling | 1995-12-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Evaluation of Ground Water Flow int he Sheep Creek Area, Alaska | 1991-08-26 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Kennecott Greens Creek Mine Tailings DIsposal Site: Environmental Impact Statement; Scoping Document | 2001-03-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Greens Creek Tailings Disposal: Final Environmental Impact Statement: Volume 1 | 2003-11-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Greens Creek Tailings Disposal: Final Environmental Impact Statement: Volume 2 Appendices | 2003-11-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Tulsequah Chief Project: Baseline Environmental Monitoring Protocols | 1994-06-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Tulsequah Chief Project: Pre-Application for Mine Development Certificate | 1994-06-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
RE: GLL 72-606 Waste Discharge Approval Application for the Tulsequah Chief Mine Project | 2008-03-05 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Environmental Assessment: Tulsequah Chief Copper/Gold/Silver/Lead/Zinc Project | 1998-03-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Environmental Assessment: Tulsequah Chief Copper/Gold/Silver/Lead/Zinc Project Appendices | 1998-05-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Tulsequah Chief Mine Project Reconvened EA Process: November 16, 2001: Volume 1 | 2001-11-16 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Tulsequah Chief Mine Project Reconvened EA Process: November 16, 2001: Volume 2 | 2001-11-16 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Tulsequah Chief Mine Project Reconvened EA Process: March 15, 2001 | 2001-03-15 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Tulsequah Chief Mine Project Reconvened EA Process: December 20, 2001 | 2001-12-20 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Tulsequah Chief Mine Project Reconvened EA Process: January 24, 2002 | 2002-01-24 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Air Cushion Barge Transportation System Update: June 2008 | 2008-06-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Taku River Barging: Route Atlas | 2008-06-01 | Non-CBJ Organization |
Redfern Tulsequah Chief Mine Project Tailings Management Facility Design | 2008-05-06 | Non-CBJ Organization |