Document Archive

 Title Date Department
Technical Report No. 7: Cost Assumptions for Retaining Juneau as the Capital City (\"No-Move\" Study)1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 6: Transportation Plan for the New Capital City1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 5: Utilities Plan for the New Capital City1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 4: General and Specific Development Plan for the New Capital City1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 3: Population and Facilities Projections for the New Capital Site1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 2: Relocation Plan: Personnel and Space Projections for the New Capital Site1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 12: Socioeconomic Impacts of Capital Relocation: Effects on teh State, Juneau and Matanuska-Susitna Borough1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 11: Financing and Implementation Plans for the New Capital City, and for Retaining Juneua as the Capital City1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 10: Cost Estimates for the New Capital City: Construction, Relocation, Indemnification; and for Retaining Juneau as the Capital City: \"No-Move\" Costs1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Report No. 1: Introduction and Overview: Legislation and the Planning Process1982-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Reconnaissance Study for New Landfill Site Selection1993-10-01Lands and Resources
Technical Memorandum: Population Projections for the Alaska Juneau Gold Mine1990-11-10Non-CBJ Organization
Technical Memo 7: Considerations for Anthropogenic Terrain at Starr Hill and Gastineau AvenueCommunity Development
Technical Memo 6: Severe Landslide Hazard Designations at Staff Hill and Gastineau AvenueCommunity Development
Technical Memo 5: Landslide Hazard Designations at Telephone Hill and Gastineau AvenueCommunity Development
Technical Memo 4: Guide to Avalanche and Landslide Hazard DesignationsCommunity Development
Technical Memo 3: Mapping Overview Starr Hill Subdivision and Additional InformationCommunity Development
Technical Memo 2: Landslide Designations and Boundaries – Bathe Creek and HighlandsCommunity Development
Technical Memo 1: Landslide Mapping Accuracy and ModellingCommunity Development
TBMP JNU-Airspace Users LOA 20222022-04-15City Manager
Tax Policy Subcommittee Report of Recommendations2005-10-26Finance
Tally and Comparison2016-05-31City Manager
Tally and Comparison2016-06-30City Manager
Tally and Comparison2017-05-31City Manager
Tally and Comparison2017-06-30City Manager
 Title Date Department