Document Archive

Title:Resolution 0961
Date Prepared:June 29, 1983
Copy of Record:Yes
Project:Adopted Legislation
Project Category:Resolution
Physical Location of the Document:CBJ Vault
Electronic Version:res0961-Accepts-5850000-Bond-Bids-per-Ord.-83-38-General-Obligation-School-Bonds-Series-1983B.pdf

A Resolution of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska, Accepting a Bid for the Purchase of $5,850,000 Principal Amount of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska, General Obligation School Bonds, Series 1983b, Authorized by Ordinance Serial No. 83-38; Fixing the Interest Rates of Said Bonds; Appointing Paying Agents for the Bonds; and Providing for the Immediate Printing, Execution and Delivery of Said Bonds.