Juneau Douglas North Crossing study kicks off; learn more at May 11 open house
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is holding a virtual open house on May 11 to introduce the Juneau Douglas North Crossing project. DOT&PF, in partnership with the City and Borough of Juneau, recently started a Planning and Environmental Linkages Study, or PEL, to closely evaluate a possible transportation corridor to connect Juneau with the north end of Douglas Island.
The study area considers potential crossing locations between Douglas Island and mainland Juneau in the area north of the existing Douglas Island Bridge. The PEL process will identify and evaluate a purpose and need for connecting Juneau with Douglas Island; look at the study area, environmental setting, and potential alternatives; and provide opportunities for public input and involvement. The analyses conducted may be incorporated into a future National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.
CBJ has long identified the need and interest for a north crossing to Douglas Island. Planning for it is a current Assembly goal and the project is ranked second on CBJ’s FY23 Legislative Priority List. The crossing would provide another transportation route and open up additional borough land for development as identified in the 2013 Comprehensive Plan. An ordinance appropriating $250,000 of general funds towards the planning stage of the Juneau Douglas North Crossing capital improvement project is up for public hearing at a Juneau Assembly Regular Meeting on Monday, April 25 at 7 p.m.
DOT&PF will hold three open houses; the first is scheduled for May 11, 4:30-6:30 pm, and will be held virtually. Join online https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87251581127?pwd=a1VwalhQVUtSSWtSSXIrNjJDR3c2dz09 or call 1-253-215-8782 with Meeting ID: 872 5158 1127 and Passcode: 460799. This open house will focus on introducing the project and understanding the existing conditions.
The following two open houses are planned for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. In addition to the Public Open House meetings, the study team will accept comments throughout the PEL study process. The earlier input is received, the easier it is for the study team to incorporate into the alternatives, analysis, and recommendations. Email comments to [email protected].
Learn more on the project website jdnorthcrossing.com, FAQs, and fact sheet.
For more information, contact:
- Juneau Douglas North Crossing project team at [email protected]
- DOT&PF Project Manager Marie Heidemann at 907-465-4477 or [email protected]
- CBJ Senior Planner Irene Gallion at 907-586-0753 opt. 2 or [email protected]