Tell us: How are you getting CBJ information? And how do you want to get it?
The City and Borough of Juneau is looking to better understand how the Juneau public wants to get information from CBJ. The goal of CBJ’s Public Information Office is to equip the public with as much information as possible. From city-related services to public meetings to policy decisions – how are you currently getting this information? And how could CBJ deliver it better? Tell us by taking a short survey now at
The short questionnaire is available online in English, Spanish (Español), and Tagalog. The public can also find and submit paper copies of the Public Information Survey at the Juneau Public Libraries and the lobby of the City Hall Cash Office. CBJ appreciates the community’s participation in this effort.
CBJ will use the results as a planning tool for determining future outreach methods for public information. The survey is open now through Sunday, February 6. Take it now.
For more information, contact Christine Carpenter at [email protected].