Date Issued:2017-02-20 06:41:07
Primary Trend:2
Primary Probability:6
Primary Likelihood:1
Primary Size:1
Primary Description:

Look for small wet point release avalanches through the later part of the day on sunny slopes. South and West Facing slopes tend to be the most prone later in the day

Secondary Trend:2
Secondary Probability:9
Secondary Likelihood:1
Secondary Size:2
Secondary Description:

Keep an eye out for areas of glide. Know to track these areas and simply avoid them.


The National Weather Service Forecasts-

Today- Mostly sunny. Highs around 35. Light winds.

Tonight- Mostly clear. Lows 16 to 22. Light winds.

Tuesday- Mostly cloudy. Isolated snow showers in the afternoon. Highs around 30. Light winds.

We have seen several days of sun and calm after several days of rains to our local summits. The snowpack is quite stable at this time. Avalanche Danger is LOW today.

Keep an eye out for small point release avalanches on the sunny slopes later in the afternoon. The more it heats up the more likely this becomes. South to West facing slopes later in the say. With these cold temps in place this activity will remain limited and isolated.

Always be looking for glide cracks and areas of glide to know when instability increases to this hazard in regions. If you see glide cracks simply avoid those areas.

Currently temps are 20f at Eaglecrest and 24f at the Tram Summit. Winds are mild at 4-5mph out of the north.

Enjoy another beautiful day.


here is a link to a series of safety short videos to keep you thinking. Hope you enjoy.

Forecaster:Tom Mattice