Date Issued:2016-12-23 08:49:59
Primary Trend:1
Primary Probability:2
Primary Likelihood:2
Primary Size:2
Primary Description:

Had tremendous storm volumes this week. The danger is between storm layers for the most part but I did see weakness in the pack all the way down to the old snow new snow interface.

Another day or two and this layer should heal.

Secondary Trend:1
Secondary Probability:3
Secondary Likelihood:2
Secondary Size:2
Secondary Description:

Had high winds at the beginning of the storm. Most of these layers have stabilized and yet the combination between wind and storm snow could make these slabs quite thick in places should anything occur. Generally danger here is LOW... but consequence would be HIGH>>> continue to use caution in windloaded areas.


We were still seeing small triggered slides yesterday in areas. no natural activity... yet still areas capable of human triggers... but mostly small... my greatest concern today would be a very large trigger such as a snowmobile in the wrong spot... I think for the most part danger is LOW and yet it may be possible to trigger slides in isolated windloaded areas with a big enough trigger. Be careful out there... Conditions are continuing to improve and stability is increasing.

With low winds, cooler temps, and no precip in the forecast avalanche danger is Moderate to LOW at this time. Natural avalanches are unlikely... but human triggered slides may still be possible in isolated locations.


Here is a link to an article on how to stay safe in avalanche country.

Forecaster:Tom Mattice