Planning Commission meets November 23. Here’s how to weigh in.
The Planning Commission meets November 23 at 7 p.m. to review applications for an accessory apartment on an undersized lot, Meadow Lane road rehabilitation, a subdivision (continued from the November 9, 2021 Planning Commission meeting), and final subdivision approval. These items are up for public hearing.
This virtual meeting will be by video and telephonic participation only. Join the virtual meeting online or call: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID: 824 3879 4369. If you’re giving public comment, you’ll be asked to state your name, place of residence, and will be asked to stay on the phone after your testimony to answer any questions from the Commission. For more information about the procedure, contact the Community Development Department at 907-586-0715.
The public is encouraged to submit written comments to [email protected] by 12 noon, November 22, or testify at the meeting. Read the Planning Commission Meeting agenda here.
A Conditional Use Permit for an accessory apartment on an undersized lot (USE2021 0010)
The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit for an accessory apartment on an undersized lot in a D5 zoning district. The proposed apartment would be contained on the basement level of a single-family dwelling. The prosed apartment measures less than 600 square feet.
A City Project Review for rehabilitation of Meadow Lane from Stikine Street to the south end of Meadow Lane. The project is primarily a road rehabilitation and includes water, sewer, and drainage improvements (CSP2021 0003)
The Meadow Lane improvements project will include replacement of the road base and asphalt with the addition of a valley gutter along both sides of the roadway. The water main and sanitary sewer main will be replaced, including service laterals up to the property line. The existing deep ditches will be filled in with shallow swales, and drainage will be collected via curb inlets and area drains into an underground system.
A subdivision of a 20.49-acre lot into two lots to facilitate ownership transfer of a nonprofit wrestling center at 3221 Mendenhall Loop Road. The proposed wrestling center lot is 0.94 acres. – Continued from the November 9, 2021 Planning Commission meeting (SMP2021 0005)
The purpose of this subdivision is to subdivide the wrestling center onto its own lot so that it can take advantage of a nonprofit property tax exemption. A two-lot subdivision would usually be approved by the Director, but there are complex lot access issues, which complicate further development and elevate the decision to the Planning Commission level. Development plans for the larger lot are not known at this time.
Final subdivision approval of a 20.49-acre lot into two lots to facilitate ownership transfer of a nonprofit wrestling center. The proposed wrestling center lot is 0.94 acres. (SMF2021 0003)
The purpose of this subdivision is to subdivide the wrestling center onto its own lot so that it can take advantage of a nonprofit property tax exemption. A two-lot subdivision would usually be approved by the Director, but there are complex lot access issues, which complicate further development and elevate the decision to the Planning Commission level. Development plans for the larger lot are not known at this time.