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Planning Commission meets July 27. Here’s how to weigh in.

July 20, 2021 – Notices for Public Comment

The Planning Commission meets July 27 at 7 p.m. to review applications for a Parking Waiver, the Downtown Juneau Alternative Development Overlay District, and a text amendment regarding Accessory Apartments.

This virtual meeting will be by video and telephonic participation only. Join the virtual meeting online https://juneau.zoom.us/j/96970037739 or call: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID: 969 7003 7739.  If you’re giving public comment, you’ll be asked to state your name, place of residence, and will be asked to stay on the phone after your testimony to answer any questions from the Commission. For more information about the procedure, contact the Community Development Department at 907-586-0715.

The public is encouraged to submit written comments to [email protected] by 12 noon, July 26, or testify at the meeting. Read the Planning Commission Meeting agenda here.

A reduction from 14 required off-street parking spaces to 9 to serve a daycare (PWP2021 0003)

The Applicant is requesting a reduction in required parking from 14 off-street parking spaces to nine off-street parking spaces in advance of future development. This property has evolved from a church to a childcare center. The outcome of this waiver will determine if the applicant purchases the property and/or builds a 1,532 square-foot expansion. The applicant would like to understand if the parking waiver is acceptable before investing in the design and expansion.

Proposed revisions to the Alternative Development Overlay District, which affects setbacks, minimum lot area, and other issues related to development. The Overlay covers both downtown Juneau and downtown Douglas, but revisions only concern Juneau at this time (AME2018 0004)

The purpose of the ADOD is development flexibility that is in keeping with current development of the surrounding area.  Nonconformities cannot be expanded, limiting redevelopment and infill options.  While improving conformity is a by-product of the Alternative Development Overlay District, the primary intention is developmental flexibility.

A text amendment to revise and update Title 49 Section 49.25.510(k) Accessory Apartments and other related sections of the Land Use Code (AME2018 0001)

This ordinance would amend Title 49 with respect to accessory apartments. The revisions initiated by the Community Development Department in 2018 were “housekeeping” in nature without changes to policy or intent. Further discussion by the Title 49 Subcommittee expanded the scope of the amendment to include lot size ratios, the size and number of accessory units, and to allow apartments with a duplex, which is currently prohibited. Additionally, accessory apartments would be Director’s approvals.