Document Archive

 Title Date Department
Sheep Creek Bioassay Preliminary Data Report1990-05-01Non-CBJ Organization
Report 65305: AJ Mine Blasting Vibrations from Undergroudn Operations1990-05-01Non-CBJ Organization
Re: Avalanche Hazard Affecting the Proposed Thane Surface Facility Site1990-06-28Non-CBJ Organization
Echo Bay Mines Alaska Juneau Project: Engine and Fuel Alternatives1990-05-01Non-CBJ Organization
Echo Bay Avalanche Safety Plan: A-J Sheep Creek Operation1990-02-01Non-CBJ Organization
RE: Sheep Creek RCC Tailings Dam1990-05-15Non-CBJ Organization
Project 65304B: Estimation of Seepage from the Sheep Creek Tailings Impoundment1989-12-01Non-CBJ Organization
Supplemental Investigation: A-J Mine Marine Outfall1992-08-02Non-CBJ Organization
Supplemental Investigation: A-J Mine Marine Outfall1992-08-08Non-CBJ Organization
Baseline Risk Assessment AJ Mine Juneau, Alaska1999-11-18Non-CBJ Organization
A-J Wetlands Mitigation Analysis1992-12-22Non-CBJ Organization
Alaska-Juneau Mine EPA and FBI Criminal Investigation Reports1998-05-05Non-CBJ Organization
Environmental Safety Program, Program Statement1984-11-26Non-CBJ Organization
Making Juneau a More Efficient State Capital: An Examination of the Functions of a State Governmental Center in the Decade of the 80s1983-01-15Non-CBJ Organization
AJ Mine Project: Preliminary Final Environmental Impact Statement Vol. 1 and 21992-05-01Non-CBJ Organization
AJ Mine Project Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: Scoping Responsiveness Summary1996-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Alaska-Juneau Mine Project Description1990-05-01Non-CBJ Organization
Alaska Juneau Mine Visitors Center and Site Development Plan1992-09-01Non-CBJ Organization
AJ Gastineau Channel Reports1991-09-01Non-CBJ Organization
Review of Discharge Water Quality for Proposed Sheep Creek Tailings Basin AJ MIne,, Juneau Alaska Echobay Mines1993-04-16Non-CBJ Organization
AJ Wetlands Mitigation Analysis1992-12-22Non-CBJ Organization
A Report on AJ Mine and Appurtenant Workings as a Water Storage and Supply Facility For the City and Borough of Juneau1975-08-30Non-CBJ Organization
Kensington Gold Project: Supplemental EIS: Scoping Documents and Reference Materials (CD-ROM)2002-09-13Non-CBJ Organization
Aj Mine Project: Scoping Responsiveness Summary1996-08-01Non-CBJ Organization
Suspected Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Site Inspections: Persevarance Mill1989-09-01Non-CBJ Organization
 Title Date Department