Document Archive

Title:Ordinance 2020-21
Date Prepared:May 18, 2020
Prepared For:Assembly
Copy of Record:Yes
Project:Adopted Legislation
Project Category:Ordinance
Physical Location of the Document:CBJ Vault
Electronic Version:Ord2020-21-Final-Ordinance-Approving-GO-Bond-2013-Hospital-Bond-Refinancing-with-AK-Municipal-Bond-Bank.pdf

Ordinance 2020-21 An Ordinance Approving the City and Borough’s Participation in Proposed Refinancings by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank of the Bond Bank’s Various General Obligation Bonds that Provided Funds to Purchase Various General Obligation and Revenue Bonds of the City and Borough, Under Loan Agreements between the City and Borough and the Bond Bank; and Authorizing Revised Schedules of Principal and Interest Payments on the City and Borough’s Bonds, in Accordance with the Loan Agreements, if the Bond Bank Successfully Refinances its Bonds.