Document Archive

Title:Resolution 1011
Date Prepared:February 16, 1984
Copy of Record:Yes
Project:Adopted Legislation
Project Category:Resolution
Physical Location of the Document:CBJ Vault
Electronic Version:res1011-Alaska-Trams-inc.-Extension-8-1-85.pdf

A Resolution Authorizing the Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Deed to Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 7 of U.S. Survey 7-A to Extend the Repurchase Provision to August 1, 1985 to Permit Alaska Trams, Inc., the Owner of Said Lots, an Additional Opportunity to Get Construction Underway on a Proposed Lower Tramway Terminal or Hotel, or Both for Said Site and Further Authorizing the Manager to Release the Repurchase Provision from the Deed upon a Determination That a Substantial Start of Construction on the Site Has Been Made by Said Date.