Planning Commission meets September 13, 2022. Here’s how to weigh in.
The Regular Planning Commission meets September 13, 2022, at 7 P.M. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting held both in person and via Zoom, and will be to review a Land Disposal and a rezone.
This hybrid meeting will be held in person and by remote participation. Join the virtual meeting online or call: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 or 1-312-626-6799 or 1-929-436-2866 or 1-301-715-8592 and enter Webinar ID: 841 4954 7128. If you’re giving public comment, you’ll be asked to state your name, place of residence, and will be asked to stay on the phone after your testimony to answer any questions from the Commission. For more information about the procedure, contact the Community Development Department at 907-586-0715.
The public is encouraged to submit written comments to [email protected] by 12 noon, September 9, or testify at the meeting. Read the Planning Commission Meeting agenda here.
A Land Disposal of 3,000 square feet (PAD2022 0001)
The application is seeking to purchase approximately 3,000 square feet of CBJ-owned land in order to subdivide their lot in the Rural Reserve district. The purpose of this land disposal is to provide access to a lot that the applicant is seeking to subdivide. The exact dimensions of the purchase are not yet known, and will be contingent on the dimensional standards required by the Department of Transportation for a proposed driveway. The lots have access from North Douglas Highway, a collector road.
A rezone of approximately 10 acres from a D10 single-family to a D10 residential zone (AME2022 0005)
The applicant is seeking to rezone a 10.97-acre portion of a larger CBJ-owned tract in preparation to purchase and subdivide for a proposed multi-family housing development utilizing Low-income Housing Tax Credit funding for a portion of the units, while other units remain market rate. The current zoning, D10SF, does not allow for multi-family development.
A Conditional Use Permit for a flower and vegetable nursery with retail sales (USE2022 0012)
This case has been postponed to a date yet to be determined.