Planning Commission meets February 8. Here’s how to weigh in.
The Planning Commission meets February 8 at 7 p.m. to review applications for a proposed subdivision, Kensington Mine plan of operation amendment, reconstruction of Harris Street, and Chilkat Subdivision Phase II. These items are up for public hearing. The public is encouraged to submit written comments to [email protected] by 12 noon, February 4, or testify at the meeting. Read the Planning Commission Meeting agenda here.
This virtual meeting will be by video and telephonic participation only. Join the virtual meeting online or call: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID: 826 7648 4943. If you’re giving public comment, you’ll be asked to state your name, place of residence, and will be asked to stay on the phone after your testimony to answer any questions from the Commission. For more information about the procedure, contact the Community Development Department at 907-586-0715.
A proposed subdivision of one (1) lot into three (3) lots with one standard lot and two bungalow lots (SMP2021 0006)
This subdivision is required to go through the Major Subdivision process. Structures in these lots were limited to 1,000-square foot, detached single-family residence per lot; other restrictions may apply. A structure currently exists on the lot and will need to be demolished.
Kensington Mine plan of operation amendment (MSM2021 0001)
The purpose of this agenda item is for amendments to components around Kensington Mine. These include such articles as: raising the tailings treatment facility dam, continuing to backfill approximately 40% of total tailings produced, relocating components of the seepage collection system, expanding the size of the existing Kensington Pit #4 and Comet Waste Rock Storage, constructing a new Pipeline Road Waste Rock Storage, increasing mill throughput rate, enhancing Dolly Varden char spawning habitat by constructing two deltas, and constructing miles of new access road. The amendment would generate 184 acres of additional disturbance, 128 acres of which are located on Nation Forest Service lands.
Reconstruction of Harris Street starting at Harris and Fourth Street to the Gold and Seventh Street intersection (CSP2021 0007)
Proposed replacing of road base material, pavement, concrete sidewalks, concrete curbs, gutters, and underground water and sewer utilities. Goal is to separate the sanitary and storm sewers, reducing the load on treatment facilities and reduce outfall of untreated sewage into Gastineau Channel during wet weather events, and to update the above sections of road with newer infrastructure.
Chilkat Subdivision Phase II: Proposing subdivision of one (1) tract into fifteen (15) lots and three (3) tracts of land (SMP2021 0004)
This is the preliminary plat Phase II of the project for the Chilkat Vista Subdivision (SMP2019 0004/SMF2020 0001). Since public notice went out, the subdivision design has been modified to accommodate CBJ feedback. Rather than 15 lots, 13 lots are now proposed in addition to three tracts. If the preliminary plat is approved, the Applicant will then submit a construction plan and drainage plan, which will be reviewed as part of the final plat approval.