Applicant Information

Roger Ramsey

Mailing Address: 10615 Horizon Drive Juneau, AK 99801
Legal Representative: Roger Ramsey Phone: (907) 723-2936 Email: [email protected] 

CBJ Land Information

Site Address: N Douglas highway
Legal Description: USS 3248
Map: Map Link
$100.00 Fee Paid: Yes
Proposal of Usage:
USS 3248 is located in a spot that currently only has access to the water. In order to get access to the road system an easement over CBJ land is required. Currently there is an easement from North Douglas Highway that is being developed to access a lot adjoining USS 3248, which is known as Lot 5, USS 3559 (See; Resolution of the City and Borough of Juneau, Serial No. 2725).
The easement being applied for here would be an approximate 200 foot extension off of this approximate 1600 foot long easement. This 200 foot extension would run approximately down the south property line of Lot 5, USS 3559, where it adjoins Lot 1 USS 3559, until it get to Alaska State lands. A permit to cross State lands would be applied for, to go around the SW corner of Lot 1,USS 3559 and give access to to USS 3248.
It is expected that the easement for this extension, will be similar overall to the one described in the above mentioned Resolution. I have included this resolution in the files added below.
Additional Comments for CBJ Staff to Consider:
I will work with the property owners, whose properties are accessed by the easement currently being developed and not yet finalized, to form an equitable agreement for use and maintenance of the shared improvements on the easement.
Supporting Documents: