Safe Streets 4 All roadway study seeks your input online and at open houses

The City and Borough of Juneau invites all community members to participate in our comprehensive roadway study and safety action plan. We would like to hear about your experiences on Juneau roads, and where we can provide the most impactful solutions to high priority areas.

CBJ has generously been awarded a Safe Streets 4 All (SS4A) planning grant by the U.S. Federal Highways Administration. The purpose of the SS4A grant is to improve roadway safety by reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through developing a safety action plan focused on all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, personal conveyance and micro mobility users, and commercial vehicle operators.

With the help of our friends at Kinney Engineering and RESPEC, we have developed multiple ways for you to get involved! Please visit our website at to find more information on the grant program, take our roadway survey, and make some additions to our interactive map.

We are also hosting three open houses in February. Each will offer the opportunity to hear a brief presentation, speak with the Study and Action Plan team, and see some of our early findings. Please join us at one or all the upcoming dates:

  • Tuesday, February 4, Mendenhall Public Library Large Meeting Room, 5-7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 5, Dzantik’I Heeni School Commons, 5-7 p.m.
  • Thursday, February 6, Downtown Public Library Large Meeting Room, 5-7 p.m.

We look forward to hearing from you!

For questions, please contact Jeffrey Thole at [email protected].

January 24th, 2025|

Homestead Park closed for reconstruction starting January 13

Homestead Park in Douglas will be closed to the public for major reconstruction work beginning Monday, January 13. Construction is expected to continue into June 2025.

During this closure, the park will undergo a number of improvements including replacements to the elevated wooden platforms, walkways, and stairs. This project is funded by the Marine Passenger Fee program.

The 3rd Street & David Street bus stop and adjacent sidewalk will not be impacted by construction. The Homestead Park surface parking lot will be closed for the duration of the project.

Learn more about the Homestead Park Rebuild project on the CBJ project page.

For questions, contact CBJ Project Manager Jason Hoffbauer at (907) 586-0800 ext. 4191 or [email protected].

January 10th, 2025|

December 3 Starlight Court reconstruction public meeting cancelled

The Starlight Court Reconstruction public meeting scheduled for tonight, Tuesday, December 3 at the Douglas Library has been cancelled due to inclement weather and poor driving conditions.

The meeting will be rescheduled and a new date and time published shortly. To see the complete CBJ public meetings calendar, visit

For more information, please contact John Nelson, CBJ Engineering, at (907) 957-2187.

December 3rd, 2024|

Join Dzantik’i Heeni playground community meeting on November 13

Get a first look at designs for a new Lemon Creek playground! Join CBJ, JSD, and Corvus Design for a community meeting on Wednesday, November 13 at 7 p.m. in person at the Dzantik’i Heeni Schools Commons.

Following the community kick-off in October, the proposed Dzantik’i Heeni playground project is moving forward. Input gathered at the meeting has been taken into account while creating a design for the playground, which is now ready to share.

The new playground will serve both Dzantik’i Heeni families and the greater Lemon Creek community—so whether you’re a student, parent, teacher, or Lemon Creek neighbor, you’re invited to come check out the design and learn more about the project process.

For more information, RSVP to the Facebook event or visit the project page.

For questions, please contact Lisa EaganLagerquist at (907) 856-0800 ext. 4184 or [email protected].

November 4th, 2024|

Repair work on View Drive September 19-21

CBJ and SECON, will be performing emergency road work to repair flood damage on View Drive from Thursday, September 19 through Saturday, September 21. (See the project map for the approximate work area.) Work will include grinding the existing asphalt/chip seal, regrading, and new asphalt pavement.

During pavement removal and grading operations, local traffic will have access to the area. On the day of paving (Friday or Saturday), the area will be completely closed to traffic from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you live within the boundaries of the work area, you may park your vehicle on the Mendenhall Loop Road side and walk to/from your residence during this time.

Please be aware that paving work is weather dependent and subject to schedule changes.  Residents will be individually notified at least 24 hours in advance of the day and hours of the road closure.

Please pay attention to all traffic signs and safety devices. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to minimize inconvenience and perform these important repairs.

For questions, please contact:

September 19th, 2024|