Water & sewer utility rates to increase July 1

Please be aware that there will be a utility rate increase effective July 1. The City and Borough of Juneau Assembly, in August of 2019 (Ord. 2019-31 & 2019-44), approved increases to both the water and sewer utility rates. The 2% rate increase will go into effect July 1. Find the new rates on the CBJ Utilities Division’s Current Utility Rates page.

Please expect the changes to your billing statements. All Bill-Pay customers will need to update their accounts to reflect the new rates in order to stay current.

These increases keep pace with inflationary cost increases. Revenue generated goes toward costs for operating and maintaining major water and wastewater infrastructure systems, debt financing from Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) loans, and capital projects directed at failing infrastructure or regulatory compliance. See relevant adopted ordinances and associated documents on the Historical Rate Information page.

For more information, contact the Utility Office at (907) 586-0898, extension 4201.

June 18th, 2024|

Water shutoff for line repairs on Concrete Way

This morning a water line break was identified on Concrete Way in Lemon Creek. Water service has been shut off along the street in order to make repairs, which are now underway.

Water service will resume once the line has been repaired and flushed and water quality checks performed.

The shutoff affects a number of businesses on Concrete Way, and CBJ is communicating directly to keep them informed of repair status. Those affected by the shutoff are encouraged to boil or avoid drinking water from the faucet until the line is reopened.

For questions, please contact the CBJ Water Utility at (907) 586-0393.

March 22nd, 2024|

Cold weather is approaching — take these steps to keep pipes from freezing

With freezing temperatures forecast in the coming days, now is a critical time to take important preventive steps to keep your water pipes from freezing. Water pipes that are not properly insulated or maintained are at risk of freezing and/or bursting—an event that could leave you without running water as well as cause flooding and damage to your home or business.

To prevent frozen water pipes, the City and Borough of Juneau recommends the following preventive measures:

  • Leave a pencil-thin trickle of water running in the sink to keep water circulating
  • Ensure crawl space vents are closed
  • Ensure pipes are properly insulated
  • Ensure heat tapes are plugged in and functioning
  • Turn off hose bibs, disconnect any hoses, and ensure they are properly insulated

In the event that you do experience frozen pipes, contact a plumber or contractor. CBJ does not have the ability to thaw frozen water pipes.

The Emergency Water Turn-Off contact is (907) 586-0393 Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or (907) 586-2165 after hours.

January 5th, 2024|

Water shut-off in Mountainside Estates neighborhood rescheduled for December 7

Water service in the Mountainside Estates neighborhood will be shut off from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, December 7, while the City and Borough of Juneau Utilities Division conducts maintenance on the water system.

The shutoff will affect all customers on Craig Street, Abby Way, and above. Please check your residence for a notification letter if you live in this area. An informational signboard is also available at the entrance to the neighborhood.

Please check your appliances and heating system and take any precautions noted in the owner’s manual to make sure that they will not be damaged from lack of water. We appreciate your patience while this important work is performed.

If you have questions, please contact the CBJ Water Utility at (907) 586-0393.

December 5th, 2023|

CANCELLED: Water Shut-Off to the Mountainside Estates Neighborhood on Thursday, November 30

CANCELLED:  Water Shut-Off to the Mountainside Estates Neighborhood on Thursday, November 30

The water system work in the Mountainside Estates neighborhood that had been scheduled for today, Thursday, November 30, has been cancelled.  The water utility crew has been diverted out the road to complete an emergency repair.  There will be no water shut-off in the Mountainside neighborhood today.

A future information release will go out when the Mountainside work has been rescheduled.

For more information, please contact the Utilities Division at (907) 586-0393.