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Glacier Fire Station M/E Upgrades & Juneau Fire Station Generator Replacement

Proposal Due Date: 2022-09-15 white pixel, space holder

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 2022-08-19

Type of Solicitation: Bid
Bid/RFP Number: BE22-108


The Project includes the Renovation to the existing Glacier Fire Station to replace existing mechanical and electrical equipment that is past its useful life, and perform all WORK as described in these Contract Documents. Associated Work includes the installation by the Contractor of Owner Furnished generators for both the Glacier Fire Station and the Juneau Fire Station.


The Glacier Fire Station was originally constructed in 1979. The building includes a Structural apparatus bay, Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting apparatus bay, EMS bay, dispatch center, classroom, kitchen, offices, 2nd story dorm rooms, and support spaces. The project includes a significant renovation of the mechanical and electrical systems serving the Glacier Fire Station including:


  1. Replacement of the boiler heating plant
  2. Replacement of building air handling units and fan units
  3. Modifications and Additions to the existing ventilation system ductwork
  4. Removal of the building pneumatic and electric controls and Replacement with DDC controls
  5. Removal of underground and aboveground fuel storage tanks
  6. Upgrades to the Electrical distribution system including the Replacement of the main distribution board, panelboards, and feeders
  7. Electrical power systems to support the renovated Mechanical systems
  8. Related Architectural, Civil, and Hazmat Work
  9. Temporary electrical and mechanical systems to support a fully operational fire station throughout Construction
  10. Installation of Owner Furnished generators at both the Glacier Fire Station and the Juneau Fire Station.


Low Bidder: Dawson Construction, LLC

Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 2022-09-15
Bid Amount: $1,890,700.00
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document
Award Date 2022-10-12
Award Amount: $1,890,700.00
Notice of Award: View Document