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MVWWTP Roof Replacement

Bid Due Date: blank 5/16/2019

Pre-Bid Meeting:

Type of Solicitation: Bid
Bid/RFP Number: BE19-205
Date Advertised: 
Construction Estimate: $911,000
Plan Holders List: Current List
Cost of Bid Documents: $35
Project Description:

Install new single-ply EDPM membrane roofing assembly over existing metal roofing system. Work includes salvage in-place of existing metal roofing and existing polyiso insulation except within repair/replacement areas, limited existing sheathing replacement and structural member rot mitigation and augmentation executed from building exterior (remove and reinstall metal panels at these locations), application of sealant over existing roof fastener penetrations, Installation of 6” polyiso insulation panels between existing clip-lock roof seams, application of spray foam insulation between polyiso panels, installation of 5/8” plywood cover board over polyiso insulation, mechanically fastened to existing purlins, installation of EPDM roof membrane and all associated EPDM flashings and limited metal flashings.


Low Bidder: Dawson Construction

Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 5/16/2019
Bid Amount: $895,750
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document
Award Date: 6/4/2019
Award Amount: $895,750
Notice of Award:  View Document
Bid/RFP Documents:
  • BE19-205
  • Addenda and Additional Information:
  • Information to Bidders 1
  • Addendum 1
  • Addendum 2