BRH Water and Sewer Upgrades
Proposal Due Date: 2022-02-15
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 2022-01-19
Type of Solicitation: Bid
Bid/RFP Number: BE22-185
The WORK covered in the Contract Documents includes baes course grading D-1, removal and replacement of sanitary sewer manholes with fiberglass baes liner, removal and replacement of sanitary sewer pipe, installation of sanitary sewer service pipe and cleanouts, installation of 16” HDPE water main, installation of 16” butterfly valves, temporary water system, filling existing water main with slurry, installation of fire hydrant assembly, removal of fire hydrant assembly, 6-Inch water service to Bartlett House, asphalt pavement removal and replacement, chain link fence removal and resetting, topsoil and seeding, construction surveying, traffic control and other miscellaneous related WORK.
Low Bidder: Admiralty Construction, Inc
Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 2022-02-15
Bid Amount: $670,170.00
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document