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Gastineau Elementary School Renovation

Proposal Due Date: white pixel, space holder 1/11/2011

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 

Type of Solicitation: Bid
Bid/RFP Number: E11-137


NOTE: Because of the large file sizes, the plans and specs will be time consuming to download. CD's are available for $10 from the Contracts Office. Project Description follows:

The Gastineau Elementary School Renovation project will be undertaken in two summer construction seasons. The project will upgrade the school site with asphalt paving, concrete walls and flatwork, landscaping, lighting, utilities, furnishings. The project will perform comprehensive renovations to school building including the following work: hazardous material abatement, concrete, masonry, structural steel, metal fabrications, gratings, wood and metal framing, casework & countertops, insulation, roofing, metal siding & flashing, doors, windows, GWB, carpet, linoleum tile, ceramic tile, athletic flooring, painting, wall coverings, ACT & specialty ceilings, specialties, fixed furnishings, commercial kitchen equipment, plumbing, fire sprinklers, HVAC, controls, electrical power & lighting, and special electrical systems, and other WORK described in the Contract Documents. There are eight Additive Alternates with this project.


Low Bidder: McGraw's Custom Construction

Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 1/11/2011
Bid Amount: $8,792,700
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document
Award Date 0000-00-00
Award Amount: 
Notice of Award: View Document