Bob DeArmond Historical Images
At the Territorial Museum and Library
This photograph was taken in the Wickersham Room of the Territorial Museum and Library on the second floor of the Capitol Building between 1953-57 when Bob was on the staff of Governor B. Frank Heintzleman. Bob was probably engaged in research for the governor when this photo was taken. It was the Wickersham Room because it housed what had originally been the private Alaskana collection of Judge James Wickersham, long time District Judge in Alaska for many years. The books, some of which show in the backgroubd of the picture were uniformly bound in red leather, and were and are a great research source. Alaska State Library - Historical Collections PCA DeArmond 1.
Working for the Ketchikan Daily News
This photo was taken in the 1940s, on or about September 1, when the Alaska Fishing News (published three times a week) became the Ketchikan Daily News. Bob was a reporter and is holding one of the first day's run of the new paper. Alaska State Library - Historical Collections PCA 01-3706.