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JNU Terminal Reconstruction - MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE on 12/17/19

Bid Due Date: 2020-01-09 white pixel, space holder

Pre-Bid Meeting:

Type of Solicitation: Bid
Bid/RFP Number: BE20-020
Date Advertised: 2019-11-22
Construction Estimate: $16,830,000
Plan Holders List: Current List
Cost of Bid Documents: Download only
Project Description:

Reconstruction and renovation of portions of the existing airport terminal. Trades will include demolition (including hazardous materials abatement), site work, concrete, steel framing, electrical, mechanical, roofing, glazing, interior finishes, paving, and fixed equipment.


Low Bidder: Dawson Construction, LLC

Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 2020-01-09
Bid Amount: $16,184,600
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document
Award Date: 2020-02-07
Award Amount: $16,184,600
Notice of Award:  View Document